Made in Britain Membership

Discover the Benefits of Made in Great Britain Membership

Whether you are a business offering British-made goods and services, a UK manufacturer, or a member of the general public, we have membership options tailored for you.

For British Businesses and UK Manufacturers:

Gain a competitive edge by featuring your products across our popular pages. Advertise in our directory to reach businesses and new start-ups in the UK and beyond. Connect with those looking to support and collaborate with British manufacturers.

Business and Manufacturer Benefits:

  • Features on Best of British: Highlight your products on our dedicated pages showcasing the finest British-made goods.
  • SEO Tailored Pages: Benefit from SEO-optimised pages that increase online visibility.
  • Multiple Category Listings: Get listed in various relevant categories to reach a wider audience.
  • Social Media Promotion: Enjoy occasional promotion across our social media platforms to boost your brand’s reach.

For the General Public:

Enjoy exclusive benefits with our General Public Membership. Enter free competitions, discover new British products first, and receive discounts from our members. Stay connected with the best of British craftsmanship.

General Public Membership Benefits:

  • Free Competitions: Enter exciting giveaways and contests.
  • Early Access: Discover new British products and services first.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy special offers from our members.
  • Brand Recognition: Use the Made in Great Britain and Made in Great Britain Member logos on your blog or website.

See below for more details on how to apply, subscribe, and view pricing. Join us today and become a proud member of the Made in Great Britain community.

Feature With Us


Our Made in Great Britain Gold Membership is ideal for small businesses on a budget and new UK start-ups.

Get Ahead Of The Competition


Take your business to the next level and increase your brand exposure to a audience dedicated to finding British-made products.

Showcase Your Products


Membership with Made in Great Britain offers UK manufacturers the opportunity to reach out to a global audience looking to make their products in this country.

Support Made in Great Britain


If you want to show your support as an individual, then choose a general public membership. Enjoy discounts, free entry to competitions and more.

Follow Us

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